April 2020 Update

Dear Maiden Lane Family,

I want to share an important announcement with you today:


All Services To Remain ONLINE ONLY For The Month Of April

The Board of Elders and Staff have unanimously agreed that it is in the best interest of our congregation and community to keep ALL public worship and fellowship gatherings online only for the entire month of April. As we near the end of April, we will reassess this situation based on what our local and state authorities and public health officials are recommending.

I also want to share three ways we can Live, Love, and Serve like Jesus in this time of crisis. 

 1. Through Prayer

Each Saturday of April will be designated as a “Seeking God Saturday.” We are inviting you to do two things on each of those Saturdays (April 4, 11, 18, & 25): First, will you choose one meal that day that you will fast; and second, will you spend at least 15 minutes of the time you would have been eating that meal to engage in intercessory prayer for our church, community, state, nation, and world. Let’s pray earnestly for the end of this crisis and the healing of our world.

2. Through Donating Food

On Maundy Thursday, April 9, we will be having a “Drive-Thru Food Drive” to replenish the stock of food in our Outreach House. Our Outreach House has served an important role in our community for many years and is being depleted rapidly.

The food drive will take place between 4-6 p.m. We will have tables set up along Maiden Lane in front of the Outreach House. You can open your car window and place your donated items on the tables, and we will have volunteers to take care of it from there. While we can’t “show up” for church, we can “show up” for our community!

 3.  Through Donating Blood

Community Blood Center is making an urgent plea to blood donors to help prevent a blood shortage. We will be hosting a blood drive on April 13 to help with this issue.

• The blood supply is safe, and it is safe to donate.

• Donors must be in good health. People with any cough or cold symptoms should not come to the blood drive.

• There are no reported cases of coronavirus transmission through blood transfusion.

• CBC is increasing hygienic and sanitary procedures.

• Blood drives are not mass gatherings. They are controlled events with infection safeguards to protect donors, staff, and blood products.

 Please schedule an appointment to donate blood at:

Maiden Lane Church of God  (You can click on this link to schedule a time to donate.)
Monday, April 13, 2020 from 12:30 - 6:30 pm
1201 Maiden Lane
Use Door B - Gym
Springfield, OH 45504

Also, please join us as we lift up Pastor Steven and his family in prayer. Steven went to the hospital with flu-like symptoms the last week of March. He was not tested for COVID-19 but was instructed to quarantine himself along with his family until mid-May. Let’s pray that God will fill their home with the grace and peace of Christ as we support them with our love and prayers! 

I really miss seeing you, and I want you to know that I am praying for you daily. You are deeply loved and highly valued in Christ.

Grace & peace,

Pastor Mark